Writing Work

Creative writing and article pieces for the likes of Limunul Magazine, Adolescent, SubStack, EarMilk and more.

Chris LaRocca shares new single, "like u" | Canadian Beats

This past spring, Chris LaRocca hit the ground running with his punchy, eccentric 4-track EP perhaps!, which set the tone for the year ahead of him. Now, heading into the summer, Chris is back again with a brand new single leading up to his second EP of 2023 titled “like u”.

With sunkissed guitar, ethereal vocal harmonies, and a critically catchy chorus, “like u” explores the feeling of being unsure in a relationship. The song’s drumline centres the song like a heartbeat, carrying the soundscap

TikTok, Trend Cycles, and Thrift: The Contrast between Consumerism and Digital Landscapes

"The moment a form of expression becomes a battle of staying up-to-date and ‘fitting in’ is the moment that identity is lost. Brands and outlets will always attempt to push trends; it’s what ultimately keeps them relevant. Trend cycles were infinitely easier for advertisers to push in the time before social media, but today, any viral figure or highly-viewed video can influence a trend within a specific circle."

Published via Liminul Magazine, 2022.